AI posture analysis app AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント)

Capture a photo and get instant analysis!

AI Posture Analysis App

AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 分析結果画面

Posture/Center of gravity

Range of motion

Capture a photo and get instant analysis!

AI Posture Analysis App

app storeへのリンク
AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 分析結果画面 AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 分析結果画面

Posture/Center of gravity

Range of motion

AI Posture Analysis App for
Visualizing Treatment Effects

AI Posture Analysis App for
Visualizing Treatment Effects

AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 測定中のイメージ

This is a posture analysis app that enables you to assess your posture and measure your range of motion effortlessly through a simple photo capture. It's incredibly user-friendly! Just snap 'before' and 'after' photos using your iPhone or iPad!

Visualization of
Treatment Effects Using AI

AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 姿勢分析・可動域測定結果画面

Right after capturing a photo, you can instantly conduct posture analysis and measure your range of motion!

AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 人型アイコンPosture analysis features

AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 姿勢分析結果画面

Posture score

Efficiently analyze your posture from front and side shots. The system assesses body inclination and misalignment, assigning a score out of 100. A perfect alignment is represented by a score of 10 for all criteria.

Center of gravity analysis

Analyze the body's center of gravity by assessing deviations in both left-right and front-back dimensions for each segment.

AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 角度アイコンRange of motion measurement

AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント)  可動域計測結果画面

Range of motion measurement

It enables the measurement of joint mobility, including shoulders, hips, knees, etc.

AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 肩(外転)


AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 肩(屈曲)


AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 肩(伸展)


AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 前屈


AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 膝



Annual plan

83.88 69.99



Monthly plan



Feedback from stores that have implemented our app

  • AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 導入店舗様画像

    We measure the results before the treatment, share the outcomes, and now our customers proceed with the treatment with a realization like, "Oh, it was so bad!" Our repeat rate has increased as a result!

  • AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 導入店舗様画像

    I love how simple it is to use, just like a everyday photo app.
    It’s fun to witness the results post-treatment with the customer, making communication much easier!

  • AI姿勢分析アプリ BODY Alignmet (ボディアライメント) 導入店舗様画像

    With the analysis being done objectively, I find I can be much more persuasive when showing and explaining the results to customers. They become more motivated and happy to visit the store!


Now English version is available!

Let's start analyzing posture with AI now!
Click here to download

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